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Acupuncture is one of many methods we apply within physiotherapy as an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation. We use it to trigger the body’s healing chemicals to aid recovery, enhance rehabilitation and improve quality of life. Research supports the use of acupuncture, particularly in the management of pain. 

Pain Relief

Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, naturally easing pain throughout the body.

Enhanced Sleep

By promoting the production of melatonin, acupuncture helps improve sleep patterns and overall restfulness.

Better Mood

The treatment increases serotonin levels, which can boost mood and contribute to a general sense of well-being.


Our Approach to Acupuncture

The Stretch approach to acupuncture is integrated into physiotherapy to enhance pain management, inflammation control and overall rehabilitation. Tailored specifically to individual needs, the treatment involves an in-depth assessment at the clinic to identify the source of symptoms and select appropriate acupuncture points. These points are strategically chosen based on the patient's specific pain areas and overall body meridians—pathways in Traditional Chinese Medicine believed to be channels for the flow of energy, or Qi. The approach is supported by clinical and research evidence, aiming to expedite recovery and optimize the effects of other physiotherapy treatments while minimising side effects.


Your accupuncture

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